Online Enrollment

New Students: Online Enrollment  


If your student is new to the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District, or your student is returning to the District after having been enrolled somewhere else for a full school year or more, complete the online enrollment process.  


Complete the steps on the Aeries Online Enrollment site:  


You will need an active email address to complete the online enrollment. An instructional video for creating a free Gmail account can be found HERE 


The system will automatically determine the school your student will attend based on the student’s address of residence.  


If you want to enroll in a different school, or if you live outside the District's attendance boundaries, you will need to complete the transfer process in addition to the enrollment process. Please find school and district transfer information HERE.   


You will have an opportunity to enroll multiple students, if you have multiple students who are new to the District.  


Documents you will need to complete the enrollment process:  

·      A certified copy of a birth certificate or a statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth; (2) a duly attested baptism certificate; (3) a passport; or (4) when none of the above documents is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent/guardian.  

·      Immunization record   

·      Address verification – One of the following:  

  • Current property tax payment receipts or grant deed with county recorder’s stamp OR  

  • Rent payment receipts or lease or rental contract OR  

  • Utility service bill (gas, electric, water) OR  

  • Pay stub OR  

  • Voter registration OR  

  • Correspondence from a government agency OR  

  • Declaration of residency  


If enrolling for the first time in a Santa Maria Joint Union High School District school, please complete the enrollment process online. If you need any help at all, please contact your child’s school of residence.  

·       Santa Maria High School – (805) 925-2567  

·       Pioneer Valley High School – (805) 922-1305  

·       Ernest Righetti High School – (805) 937-2051  


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